About Our ClubThe Gadsden Shrine Club is an affiliated Shrine Club with the Zamora Shrine Center in Birmingham, AL. We serve the community in a variety of ways. Most notably, we see that children in our area needing care at a Shrine Hospital gets transportation free of charge to the child and his or her family.
Rent Our ClubReserve our newly remodeled club for your event. Whether it's a class reunion, wedding reception, party, or meeting, we have a variety of services at a reasonable price. Click below to find out more. Reserving our club not only gives you and those attending your event a clean and versatile space, but the income collected helps us to help others in our community.
Help Our ClubAll proceeds collected go to help us fulfill our mission of helping children. Click below to donate. With each donation, you will receive a tax receipt in the mail. We thank you in advance.